Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Survey Says.......

Researchers at the University of Texas Austin conducted a survey to discover why people have sex.

The first study asked 400 people to list reasons why they had sex. The follow up study involved 1500 people ranking the reasons they have sex based on the reasons provided by the participants of the first study.

The reasons were compiled and a top ten for men and women were listed. The bottom ten for men and women were also listed.

I noticed a couple of reasons that quite frankly were a surprise. Several reasons were bazaar but I should have expected nothing less from a sex survey.

So why bother writing about a sex survey? Because of the two reasons, that I found very telling, about our understanding of sex and relationships.

1. The number one reason men and women have sex is physical attraction.

Why is that a surprise? I expected as much from the men but the women responding the way they did is I think a change of great proportion. If memory serves me correctly twenty years ago women had sex because they were in love. So what is the big deal? Women apparently have had a change of heart no pun intended. They are not as emotionally invested as in the past.

2. The number ten position of the bottom ten list revealed that men and women agree the last reason people have sex is to get closer to God.

I suppose God getting honorable mention in a sex survey is a shock to most people. But lets be honest God is in last place in the bedroom according to the survey.

I heard this sex survey discussed on Fox news. Much of the discussion was centered on the apparent changes in thinking with regards to why we have sex. But getting closer to God was not mentioned. The fact that God made the survey is less telling than the fact that God is in last place.

Well God in last place in the bedroom is just one more place God has been relegated to last by many in our society.

Our creator the fullness of love created us as sexual beings. We like our first parents Adam and Eve are brought together by God, marry have families and provide a sacramental physical sign of God’s love to our world.

Sex as God intended is a beautiful union between a man and women joined by God in the sacrament of marriage. The children produced by their union are signs of the completeness of their love.

Sex as portrayed in our society today is far from what our creator intended.

Is it any wonder God is in last place, when those responding to the survey are living by sight (physical attraction) and not by faith?