Sunday, July 8, 2007

Confession of a Catholic Deacon

I have a confession to make, this blog was created in a shameless effort to generate hits to my web site
After a great deal of reflection I realizied that creating a blog may accomplish a purpose that the website is not designed to do. This blog has the potential to reach an audience vastly different from the web site, and it is my prayer that those who enter may find hope, and opportunity to reflect about our world and life.
There are several reasons that I have resisted blogging, as you can see I am no Hemmingway or Hermann Hesse. And like many others I struggled with the idea that anyone would want to spend time reading my random thoughts.
Along with the confession I want to make a promise to the readers of this blog. I promise that the person represented here is in fact me.
One of the many negative aspects of the internet is that people can create characters and personalities that have no basis in reality or truth.
Sadly the internet fosters an opportunity for us to accomplish what many in real life do every day hide their true self from the rest of the world.
I am willing to share my thoughts concerns and fears hoping that it may encourage others to peak from behind the mask and give the world a chance to see the real you.

God Bless
Deacon Tom