Sunday, November 11, 2007

Wondering about heaven - Thirty Second Sunday Ordinary Time

Thirty Second Sunday Ordinary Time

Luke 20:27, 34-38

Wondering about Heaven

The Sadducees a religious sect in Jesus day did not believe in the resurrection. They came to Jesus and proposed a scenario followed by a question. The scenario and question were an attempt to discredit Jesus teaching about the resurrection and life after death.

The scenario is about a young childless widow. Following her husbands death she is given to her husband’s brother in marriage as prescribed by law to provide descendants for her husband. The first brother also dies as well as the second third until all the brothers were dead leaving a childless widow. The wife also dies. The question proposed, following the resurrection whose wife will she be?

Jesus response affirms his teaching of a bodily resurrection and provides insight about what heaven will be like.

1. There will be no marriage in heaven.

Why, because there is no death in heaven. There are many benefits to marriage two of which I want to mention here. The first is children. Children ensured the continuing of the human race. Secondly marriage produces a bond between a husband and wife that does not exist outside the marriage bond. Sex outside of marriage reduces the sex act to one of passion and lust. No bond exists and a mockery of made of the marriage bond.

2. God is the God of the living not the dead

We live on through out all eternity. This is our hope. The apostle Paul said we sorrow not as others who have no hope. God is the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob. They are physically dead and yet live awaiting the resurrection.

3. Heaven is not an extension of this life

The Sadducees painted a picture of life after death much like this life. Who will her husband be?

We have a tendency to do the same. Heaven is much like this life only better. No death, taxes, tears or pain. All of which are true. But we carry the idea a bit further saying that golfers will play golf. Fisherman will fish and numerous other activities are noted that loved ones enjoyed in this life and will enjoy in heaven. These thoughts bring comfort during a difficult time but have no basis in scripture.

4. We are equal to angels

Angels are immortal and we like them will experience immortality. I don’t have a clue about what type of body we will have in heaven. Wings or no wings take your pick.

5. We are sons and daughters of God

We have the opportunity to have a relationship with God on earth by accepting his gift of salvation. We have a relationship with God in heaven. We fall asleep in death and awake in the presence of God. Quick note here Vatican II did not set aside the Churches teaching on purgatory.

Heaven is not about what we do but who we are. Heaven is about relationship. We experience a relationship with God on earth and that relationship carries on in heaven.

No relationship with God on earth, none in heaven. This life is about preparing for eternity. Are you getting ready for heaven?

Heaven is about experiencing God in a way not possible in this life.