Friday, December 28, 2007

Happy New Year's -

Happy New Year!!!!

A new year holds more fascination for me than the Christmas season. We wish those we meet a merry Christmas knowing full well that not everyone we meet will have a merry Christmas.

I spoke with a business acquaintance who shared that her sister had been shot by her husband who then took his own life. Her sister survived the attack. A co-worker lost his dad yesterday the funeral is Saturday. A friend related in a blog that some years ago her mother attempted suicide on Christmas Eve many years ago. She stated that the attempted suicide had stripped the tinsel off the Christmas tree for her.

Unfortunately I could go on relating stories that at the very least put a real damper on Christmas.

But the New Year is a bit different in that it has an element of hope. We can say without reservation Happy New Year. There is no pressure to come up with the perfect gift or traveling from place to place with little or no time to relax and spend quality time with family.

I must interject here that Christmas this year for me was wonderful for many reasons. I do have a problem with the commercialism of the season. But my Christmas is made special because I am married to my best friend. My children are healthy and happy and our daughter was home for Christmas. Having her here was a special treat that I will keep with me forever.

I have no idea what the New Year has in store for me and mine but I know and believe the following:

1. God loves me and I love him.
2. My wife will be there for me no matter what.
3. I am proud of my children.
4. My wife knows I love her more than life itself.
5. My children know I love them.
6. My dog reminds me to be loyal to my friends.
7. I don’t have a large number of friends but the friends I have are an inspiration.
8. Books are important to me.
9. Sickness and suffering are not necessarily bad they teach us to lean on others.
10. I would have enjoyed having lunch with John Paul II.
11. I see the future in the face of my grandson.
12. I have lived long enough to know the end is closer than it was.
13. Not knowing seems to be better than knowing.
14. Our faith has elements of mystery accept it.
15. One person can make a difference.
16. Getting old is getting old.
17. Wide eyed wonder does not have to disappear with age.
18. My parents in large part made me who I am and I miss them.
19. This past year went by to quickly.
20. I suspect this year will pass even quicker.

The list is not in order of importance. I hope you will take a moment to reflect on your past year.

I am not big on New Year resolutions but for those of you who are let me offer this advice.

Resolve to lose weight – Wonderful no gym membership required save your money. Simply stop eating so much and move around every now and than. Going to the fridge to get a snack is not exercise.

Resolve to break a bad habit – Well if you know it’s a bad habit than that ought to motivate you to stop _________ fill in the blank.

Resolve to - you name it – Most resolutions don’t last much past January 2nd.
Is it due to lack of will power or resolve? No failure has much more to do with unrealistic expectations. We resolve to lose 25 pounds in two weeks. Set a goal to lose 25 pounds in twelve months.

If you must make New Years resolutions. How about resolving to set realistic goals in your life, that will make 2008 your best year ever.

May God Bless You and Your Family. Happy New Year